Quake enemy territory
Quake enemy territory

quake enemy territory

John Dean: It's hard work, but they're solvable problems. IGN: How complicated has this game been to program for? I've had the opportunity to play a few times and it's by no means a simple shooter. The pathfinding just gets them there, so the upper level AI says, "Ok I want to go to this place and do this particular action, and the pathfinding, which is the AAS, get them from point A to point B. All the high level tactical strategic choices, the goals that they do. IGN: And that's different from AI how? John Dean: The AI is the thinking that they actually do, as far as like whether they want to do an objective, whether they want to attack this person, revive a teammate, or you know whatever else they want to do.

quake enemy territory

They give the bots an idea about where they need to go around the map, how they need to move around the map, sort of gives them a sense of the world and the space in the world and where they can go and where they can't go. IGN: What's AAS? John Dean: That's the pathfinding system for the game. So he handles the AAS stuff and then I work on the AI just exclusively myself. He was hired in to do the Quake III bots and he's been working on his AAS system. IGN: With a team or by yourself? John Dean: I work with Jan Paul Van Waveren. IGN: How long has it been now? John Dean: Since July of last year. IGN: When you first started working, was that directly for Quake Wars? Was that immediately what you started doing? John Dean: Yeah. We recently got the chance to speak with John Dean and get some specifics as to how the bots are being created and implemented into the game, as well as other random bits of informational absurdity. Teams needing practice now have a constant practice squad at their disposal to test out theories before even attempting them on human teams. Servers never even need to be empty since bots can fill out any of the empty positions only to acquiesce to human players that wish to join a match. Considering the rather chancy proposition of always finding a server worthy of participating in, having bots as backup, especially if they act as much like organized humans as possible, is a great thing. Bots are now currently up and running in Quake Wars and are being tested thoroughly against human players, against each other, and with mixtures on each side.

Quake enemy territory mod#

But after seeing Dean's bots in a mod for Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, id snatched up the opportunity to grab the talented programmer and put him to work full time. When looking at a game like Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and its fairly complex structure of team play, objectives, and missions, it's no surprise that the task of creating a force of AI that worked together as thoroughly as human players are capable of while adapting to a dynamic battlefield was daunting to think about early on in development.

Quake enemy territory