Tng warp speed calculator
Tng warp speed calculator

tng warp speed calculator

However, it is a useful (exponential) scale for measuring speed in relationship to astronomical distances, and works well with the limitations of traveling within one quadrant of the galaxy.


The Warp Speed formula is based on the fictional series Star Trek. C is the speed of light: 186,000 miles per second.The formula for velocity from warp speed is as follows: Warp Speed is an exponential velocity scale. Velocity(V): The calculator returns the velocity associated with the warp speed in multiple units including: The program is operated by selecting the series version using the radio buttons, entering a 'warp factor' number that is greater than 0, and then pressing the Calculate button. You drive in space like you go to the 7/11 store.The Warp Speed calculator translates Warp Speed into common velocity units such as miles per hour. Warp Factor Calculator is a Java Script calculator that computes speed as a function of 'warp factor' in multiples of the speed of light. Lucas stated he just used space for an interesting setting for a story with out thinking of the science. Does Star Trek ever account for this? Or again does Star Trek do like Star Wars and simply egnors this. The people he left behind are old while Kirk is still young.

tng warp speed calculator

So if Captian Kirk goes on his 5 year mission and at the end of his mission comes back to earth. This in known in science as the twin paradox. It is said that when someone travels at light speed they age less than those who stayed home. Did Gene Rodenberry account for time-space dialation? Or did he just increase speeds to equal or faster than light speed like Star Wars? wf being the resulting warp factor Or, to calculate speed in terms of c (up to warp 9), the formula would be: In this case, warp 1 is equivalent to c (as it was in the 23rd century scale), but above warp 9 the speed increases exponentially, approaching infinity as the warp factor approaches 10. Funny things happen at the speed of light. Time-space warps at the speed of light and any object going at that speed increases in gravitational pull. The question here is based on Einstein's theory of reletivity. Would reaching infinity (assuming that's possible for a second) cause dimensional shifts, similar to the mode of time travel the Traveler used in TNG's "Where No One Has Gone Before"? I would think reaching those sorts of speeds might actually distort the space-time continuum.since as Q professes, it is not really a straight line, but something much more complex. But Scotty usually has issues getting Enterprise to warp 8.he can't change the laws of physics. This widget basically allows you to calculate space travels at warp speed. Of course there were all sorts of other technologies, like transwarp and slipstream and whatnot, but for regular warp factors, the barrier of warp 10 remained.


What exactly is their "warp 10" if they have one? In all the episodes I've seen, they tend to travel at warp 4 unless they're in a hurry. Warp Speed Calculator for Mac - Download. The 24th century warp factor scale with warp 10 being equal to 'infinite speed' and ultimately unachievable pretty much held steady throughout TNG, DS9 and Voyager. Haha, how could I have forgotten "Threshold"? That was funny, lol.

Tng warp speed calculator